Who I Am

Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

Ferris Bueller, 1986 (John Hughes)

Photography is my passion.

I have been taking photographs for as long as I’ve been able to hold a camera. My first photography class, at De Anza College in Cupertino, California, in 1987, had me using a Brownie camera and developing my own black and white film and prints in a darkroom. You never, ever forget that chemical smell (for better or worse).

Once digital photography became the norm, it was so much easier to review images once I took them, and I was even more hooked than before. With the advent of the Adobe Suite of products, some out-of-this-world instruction by my husband’s uncle (thanks, Bill Araujo!), and a Bachelor’s Degree program in Digital Photography from Southern New Hampshire University, I continue to hone my skills daily. I live in one of the most beautiful places in the country for outdoor landscapes and wildlife photography. Luckily, my husband shares my passion, and we take fantastic photo road trips on random weekends.  I continue to find that there is no shortage of beauty around me. In my other life, I’m an executive assistant and I’m working on my second mystery novel. My first, “Undercurrents,” can be found here.

My images are a collection of wildlife and scenic photos taken throughout the western United States, from the Rockies to the West Coast.  I work mostly in color but have been known to shoot black and white if the mood and shadows move me. My ambition as a photographer is to create beautiful works of art, slices of nature around us, that improve the well-being of others. If my images lower your blood pressure, improve your mood, or make you smile, I’ve achieved my goal.

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